As a protestant, I attended an orthodox church for royal hours on Christmas Eve day. The priest legitimately wept as he read the scriptures during the liturgy. I think that is a powerful testament to the tradition. It is common for evangelical protestant leaders to cry when telling a story, making a theological point, or during worship. But being moved by the scriptural story itself, manifests a quality of soul that we should all stand to gain.

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Thanks for this helpful insight. I have friends who are moving away from the free church to more orthodox worship. I admit I didn’t understand at first but this article makes a lot of sense.

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Loved this! Excellent read. I’m currently exploring Eastern Orthodoxy, so I really appreciate the article. I agree it seems they haven’t been tainted by Western culture and that is extremely appealing to anyone wanting to distance themselves from the “feel good” culture we live in. Personally, I want conviction.

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Very relatable

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God bless.

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Thank you, you too 🙏🏻

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Great read, absolutely loved it.

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Thank you!

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I was most fascinated by your use of the label “Lutheran Orthodoxy” because you seem to be using it in a different way than I have ever seen the term used, implying a strong connection between Lutheranism and Eastern Orthodoxy.

Certainly there are core beliefs that are shared in all branches of Christianity. But there are stark differences between the basic principles of Lutheranism and Eastern Orthodoxy (i.e. Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Theosis, Iconography, etc.)

I would love to see a fuller treatment of what you mean by Lutheran Orthodoxy.

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It’s easy to say participating in politics is overrated when you have the freedom to worship as you wish…

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I don't say that we should not participate in politics. We should, and it is very important... But when the main focus fades from God to more and more politics, thats very problematic.

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